The Essentials of Procurement Engineering

We’re now working on more than one year. Looking back and reviewing everything shows that we really have put together a nice overview of the most important things in Procurement Engineering. You will not find a better crisp overview. See and find out …

Cost and Value Engineering

Procurement Engineeing is well connected with Cost and Value Engineering. Many Posts deal with the interface between CVE and PE:

Cost Engineer vs. Procurement Engineer Link

Why to employ Cost Engineers while Procurement Engineers are available? Link

Essential methods for „Design to Value” (DtV) in Procurement and Cost & Value Engineering – Design to Cost Link

How to start a Procurment Engineering Organization

The majority of Procurement Organization does not have a dedicated team dealing with R&D involvement. Therefore, many articles dealing with the set up of such a team are available.

What is Procurement Engineering? Link

First things to do after setting up a Procurement Engineering organization Link

When is the right time to involve Procurement in the R&D Process? Link

Procurement tasks prior to the start of a R&D project Link

Questions you should ask in a job interview with a potential Procurement Engineer Link

Are alloy wheels totally overpriced? Link

Global Value Sourcing

Procurement engineering: Wise design via global suppliers involvement Link

Active procurement role on driving big cost out projects Link

Engineering as key for global value sourcing (GVS) and how to estimate the GVS potential Link

What’s more we can expected from regional procurement hub? Link

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