Category Archives: Simultaneous Engineering

Engineering as key for global value sourcing (GVS) and how to estimate the GVS potential

Globalization is one of the „current“ mega trends. This means for you as a procurement guy that one of the biggest levers for cost reduction is „global value sourcing“, which does not mean anything else than that you select the most competitive supplier from all over the world and you don’t limit yourself to a certain region. In the following article we will deal with the questions how to identify the right components and services for global value sourcing and how engineering can help you in procurement to get the most out of global value sourcing.

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When is the right time to involve Procurement in the R&D Process?

If someone is asked when certain organizations shall be involved in a new project, normally the standard answer is “as early as possible”? But  why? Parts are procured once they are designed and not earlier. So why should there be an additional interface in the R&D organization, which makes the whole development process more complex, time consuming, and in certain cases more difficult for the designer ;-)? 

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Procurement Engineering from supplier point of view

First guess probably everyone has when he think about procurement engineering is cost saving for OEM/customer. Sure, this is not the only value for the customer there are some more. But one advantage might not be present immediately. The benefit for the supplier!

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