Tag Archives: CVE

Why Product disassembly is an important lever in the Design to Value process

First of all I have to excuse that there was no new articles posted for the last view months. Corona did also impact us and home schooling, parallel work etc. did impact us as well and there was almost no time for any other activities. Now, as the situation has relaxed, you can expect again some insights in modern procurement engineering and cost / value engineering approaches.

Today I want to share some thoughts why „product disassembly“ is an important lever in the design to value process and how you can use it to generate a competitive advantage. So, why should you do product disassembly?

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The Essentials of Procurement Engineering

We’re now working on procurement-engineering.com more than one year. Looking back and reviewing everything shows that we really have put together a nice overview of the most important things in Procurement Engineering. You will not find a better crisp overview. See and find out …

Cost and Value Engineering

Procurement Engineeing is well connected with Cost and Value Engineering. Many Posts deal with the interface between CVE and PE:

Cost Engineer vs. Procurement Engineer Link

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Are alloy wheels totally overpriced?

Once in a live most of the car owners need to buy wheels for his car. The question is: Which price is reasonable for the product? Which kind of wheels to choose? In this article you will find answers on that question. Additionally, you get an overview about a cost structure of an aluminum casting product using bottom up cost calculation method. We think it’s a perfect example to show how cost value engineering contributes to the company’s success and could also help you in your private life.

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Essential methods for „Design to Value” (DtV) in Procurement and Cost & Value Engineering – Design to Cost

We talk about “Design to Value” and “Design to Cost” how to run related projects, but before we start to talk about the methods how to lever “Design to Value” (DtV) we have to understand what “Design to Value” means. Basically, DtV means a design approach for new products or systems where the maximization of the value for the customer is the determinant target. In a broader sense, DtV extends the Design to Cost approach by further methods and approaches. Every design feature or design concept is therefore measured whether or how much value it creates for the customer or not.

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Why to employ Cost Engineers while Procurement Engineers are available?

What is the difference between Procurement and Cost Engineers and is it worth to have both in the team setup? This will be very roughly discussed by using an example and providing a guideline when this might make sense for a company. As always there is no simple answer. Some facts might help to make the decision: size of company; size of commodity, complexity of commodity & skill set of procurement engineers. Fact is that both roles (should) have at least 50% overlap in their expertise.

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