Tag Archives: global value sourcing

The Essentials of Procurement Engineering

We’re now working on procurement-engineering.com more than one year. Looking back and reviewing everything shows that we really have put together a nice overview of the most important things in Procurement Engineering. You will not find a better crisp overview. See and find out …

Cost and Value Engineering

Procurement Engineeing is well connected with Cost and Value Engineering. Many Posts deal with the interface between CVE and PE:

Cost Engineer vs. Procurement Engineer Link

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Engineering as key for global value sourcing (GVS) and how to estimate the GVS potential

Globalization is one of the „current“ mega trends. This means for you as a procurement guy that one of the biggest levers for cost reduction is „global value sourcing“, which does not mean anything else than that you select the most competitive supplier from all over the world and you don’t limit yourself to a certain region. In the following article we will deal with the questions how to identify the right components and services for global value sourcing and how engineering can help you in procurement to get the most out of global value sourcing.

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Active procurement role on driving big cost out projects

Supply chain management (SCM) has developed and changed so quickly to meet new business mode and market requirements today. Procurement as one of most important element in SCM is also undergoing significant change, which in sequence impacts its role and responsibility in whole organization. What’s new from procurement to bring bigger impact on business is really an interesting topic worth to understand and explore. This post to explain how procurement acts as a more active role and brings impact in one localization (cost out) project based on author’s experience. In here, Procurement engineer plays the interface/lead role from procurement organization.

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